GameDev Studio is supported by donations. Please consider donating through PayPal.

Follow these instructions to get GameDev Studio working correctly on your Operating System. Still having trouble?

WINDOWS (XP/Vista/7)

Installation is simple: download, extract and run. MinGW (c++ compiler) is included with the download as well as all the libraries required to create games with GDS. Have Fun!

  1. Download GameDev Studio.
  2. Extract the .zip file. Put it somewhere such as "C:/Program Files/GameDev Studio". Spaces in the path do not matter.
  3. If you wish to edit or add you're own functions to the engine, it is recommended to download Codeblocks.
  4. Try running GameDev Studio, and opening one of the examples. Click the "Compile and Run" icon, and it should run the example. The first compile will take longer than all of the following ones. Please report any errors that you encounter.
  1. Currently not supported. It will come in the near future.

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